Kent Island study site
Storm petrel on Kent Island
Rhinocerous Auklet on Triangle Island (Marjorie Sorenson)
A monarch that has gone through its share of migration (Tyler Flockhart)
Drosophilia dynamics at work (Gustavo Betini)
Triangle Island where Marjorie Sorenson (MSc 2008) did her field work
Amy feeding a gray jay
Graham trekking into a Gray Jay nest
Gray Jay borrowing some feathers for nest lining (Dan Strickland)
Dan getting to a Gray Jay nest
Dan and Graham banding Gray Jay young
Taking a rest from Gray Jay nest searching
Simulated Gray Jay caches
Amy and Ryan banding a Savannah sparrow
Amy at the lab on Kent Island
Geolocators soon to be deployed
Kent Island study site
Storm passing on Kent Island
Kent Island Savannah sparrow
Gray Jay
Gray Jay
Gray Jay fieldwork
Ryan traversing a creek to get to a Gray Jay nest
Gray Jay fledglings hard at work (Dan Strickland)
Adult Gray Jay (Dan Strickland)
Ryan, Dan and Franz looking for Wheateaters in Iqaluit
Henrik & Rachael testing Monarchs in Thunder Bay
Testing monarchs in Thunder Bay
Testing Monarchs in Thunder Bay
Mike Janssen, Sarah Gutowsky and field assistant catching Murrelets at night
Mike Janssen (MSc, 2009) and his field assistant catching Murrelet food in Desolation Sound, BC
Savannah sparrows hanging out on their territory by the sea (Talia Sechley)
Savannah sparrow nest (Talia Sechley)
Ryan looking for a nest while sitting on the top of the shower (Talia Sechley)
Savannah sparrow nestling (Talia Sechely)
Tree swallow with geolocator (Dayna LeClair)
Hussell insect collector: working hard since 1977 (Dayna LeClair)
Tree swallow nestlings thinking about the strange new world out there (Dayna LeClair)
Tree swallow nestlings (Dayna LeClair)
Measuring a bird (Dayna LeClair)