Our research encompasses…

…to understand how non-lethal effects on individuals, such as variation in condition, indirect genetic effects, and fear, influence seasonal variation in fitness and scale-up to affect the dynamics of populations.

…to determine how events in one season carry-over to influence success in subsequent seasons.

…to detail migratory pathways and dispersal and then use this information for building predictive population models.


…between their breeding and non-breeding grounds to understand how environmental change influences fitness and long-term population dynamics.

Who's In The Lab

Dr. Ryan Norris

Associate Professor
Postdoc: University of British Columbia
PhD: Queen's University
MSc: York University
B.E.S.: University of Waterloo
office: 2451, Summerlee Science Complex
phone: 519-824-4120 ext 56300
email: [email protected]

Dr. Elizabeth Gow

NSERC & LiberEro Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-present)
PhD: University of Saskatchewan
MSc: York University
BHSc: York University
email: [email protected]

Dr. Marjorie Sorensen

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-present)
PhD: University of Cambridge
MSc: University of Guelph
BHSc: University of British Columbia
email: [email protected]

    Nikole Freeman

    PhD Candidate (2014-present)
    Co-supervisor: Dr. Amy Newman
    BSc: University of Guelph
    email: [email protected]

    Joseph Burant

    PhD Candidate (2016-present)
    MSc: University of Amsterdam
    BSc: University of British Columbia
    email: jburant@uoguelph.ca

    Elora Grahame

    PhD Student (2017-present)
    BA: Pennsylvania State University
    email: [email protected]

    Matthew Fuirst

    PhD Student (2018-present)
    MSc: Stony Brook University
    BSc: Paul Smith’s College
    email: [email protected]

    Roxan Chicalo

    MSc Candidate (2018-present)
    BSc: University of Victoria
    email: [email protected]

    Hannah Clyde

    MSc Candidate (2018-present)
    BSc: McMaster University
    email: [email protected]

    Nathaniel Quarrell

    MSc Candidate (2018-present)
    BEd: Lakehead University
    HBSc: Lakehead University
    email: [email protected]

      Karl Heide

      MSc Candidate (2019-present)
      BES: University of Waterloo
      email: [email protected]

      Angela Demarse

      MSc Candidate (2019-present)
      BSc: University of Windsor
      email: [email protected]

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